“Values”, “appreciation” and more
Over the last months, terms as “values”, “appreciation” or “valuable” did get a different meaning for many between us. Lockdown, distance, home office and digitalization did provoke a more demanding handling and behavior with each other. In education, management or with ourselves.
The 3 articles take a look at valuable correlations and conducts in exactly these areas – enjoy:
Vocational and Professional Education and Training in Switzerland Success factors and challenges for sustainable implementation abroad!
The new business book is to be printed right now! Available as from June 2016! I look forward to many orders! Presentations, readings or events on this topic can be booked as from August 2016. Thank you very much for your interest!


Denaris, specialist magazine, summer 2018

English apprenticeship Zug
Englisch language training targets multinational
SWISSINFO – 2015-12-04